Thursday, December 30, 2004
Today is my birthday but it is like any other day... Thanks for the ppl that wished me happy birthday last night... I really needed it as i was pretty depressed last night... But as I was flipping thru the papers this morning and reading about the underwater earth quake that caused the tsunami and killed thousands of ppl and there are still more that are missing, I realise I am so blessed... Wat can I do besides crying for them... Life is really too brittle and here I am worrying about my own problems while there are ppl struggling to live... There are children that have lost there parent and become orphans, ppl who have lost there job, those that have lost there homes...
Wat did these ppl deserve to die... I really want to help with my whole heart but wat can I do... So i told myself I will study very hard and become a good nurse and next time i can help buy giving medical aid...
Later I am going out with my Nursing friends to eat Kenny rogers... very excited... hope it will be a good day...
1:59 PM
Tuesday, December 28, 2004
Have been slacking at home the past 2 days and my leg is almost ok... at least i dun limp anymore... And I just checked my time table for attachment and school... i only have night classes on thursday which is good as i dun have tkd on that day... In fact I think my time table timing is quite acceptable... And also checked my attachment time table... Am in the surgical ward for 2 weeks... and the strange thing it is in the ward that my uncle passed away in... It is really such a coincidence!!!
10:32 AM
Sunday, December 26, 2004
Hello... today is a very happy day!!! I went out with Angelina and Catherine to watch "The Phantom of the Opera"... Actually Verna was supposed to come along but she suddenly told me she was very tired... Though I understand, I was pretty disapointed... cause I miss her...
Anyways I really really like the show... its the best... though it is a bit strange as Fiona told me... strange to think of it to be showed in a movie theatre!!! Anyways I met Angelina and Cat at 12 and b4 that I came earlier and went to buy the tickets and buy some snacks from Shop and Save... haha... (I know, thats very thoughtful of me... muhahaha)... Cat is still the same, only she looks prettier... And very tired... she seems to have alot of responsibilities in her school as she told me she joined the sports club and swimming club... and Angelina was late (rolling eyes) for 10 minutes... But Angelina is still very pretty, charming and slim as ever... Haha... (so happy to see her since she is one of my closest friend in sec. school). Anyways i got candy canes from Cat (so sweet of her!!!)
Anyways i really love the songs in "The Phantom of the Opera"... Especially the song called "Phantom of the Opera"... duh... haha... its a faster and more mysterious song... Angelina prefers the love songs... She told me she want to learn how to play the music on the piano and play it for me (ohhh... so sweet!!!). The story really leaves an impact on me... Although this is the first time I watch such a musical but it really captivates me... and I really encourage anyone to watch this show... but again ... not anyone can appreciate this sort of show... Haha!!!
One part I dun like is I find the phantom very pervertic. He falls in love with Kristine as she sings very well... He is in fact the mysterious person that has been coaching her in singing and realising her talent... Kristine treats the phantom as her "Angel of Music" (her teacher)... in fact I found the phantom very charming when he put his mask on ... but he looks quite hideous when his mask is off... While Kristine treats him like a saviour only, the phantom loves her... or rather lusts after her... cause the way the phantom looks at Kristine is rather pervertic... If someone look at me like that (which I doubt they would) I would poke there eyes off... But I find the phantom very poor thing... as the opera house is his only home... When he was a child, because of his disfigured face he was sold to a circus where he was locked in a cage and ridiculed and beaten up... Then the current ballet instructor who was still a student in those days saved him and hid him in the opera house ever since. In the ending when the phantom became mad with jealousy that Kristine loved someone else, he threatened to kill her boyfriend... or else she had to marry the phantom... Then if i am not wrong Kristine said something like, " It is not your face that scares me, rather it is your spirit , you kill the good" Which is very important... wat matters is the heart... Actually the phantom had a good heart but he just had inferiority complex cause of his looks and was driven by jealousy towards the end... I guess alot of ppl suffer from inferiority complex (which includes me) and jealousy is a normal human nature.
Anyways I really hope that I could watch the "Phantom of the Opera" musical... I just love musicals and plays... But it cost alot of money... Haiz... i remember in secondary school I used to love Shakespeare plays and would follow my school to Shakespeare plays sometimes... It is not something just anyone can appreciate!!!
After that we ate at KFC and i ate the cheap Bandito Meal which tastes awful in my opinion... I think there is too much mayonaise... Angelian and Cat ate the 2 piece chicken meal...
Me and Angelina went to the library after lunch. She wanted to use the computer for her project. But as the library was already closing so I told her she can come to my house and use my computer. She followed me back home where she did her project on my computer until 9 pm... After that we had a nice long chat... really happy to catch up with her after so long!!! She told me she will the "Phantom of the Opera" cd for me... I am sooo happy!!! Then she told me about her and Sittikorn and the problems with his family... I guess that it is not enough to love someone. You must also get along with the future parents in law which alot of ppl never think of... She told me I am getting more and more unpredictable... I am the classic example of "Never judge a book by its covers" cause I am usually not wat i seem to be... ppl perceive me as weak and gentle but i am actually the opposite. Ppl perceive me as innocent and naive but I can surprise you with my un-innocent thoughts and sarcastic remarks (haha!!!), and I can be super stingy if it comes to money... And she said I have really changed to a more confident person since secondary school...
She is the second person this week that said my mother is really pretty when she puts up make up and wears her working clothes... My mother is 55 but ppl say she look barely over 45...
B4 she left we took some photos... Took a long time posing for photos... But really happy that she came over... I even taught her some tkd kicks and it is really fun kicking her as she looks so kickable... and i won her in arm wresting flat... After that I walked her to the bus stop and we started singing songs we learnt in secondary school... Sooo joyfulll and Thank God for Angelina too... "Live one day at a time and live it to the fullest" "Do not worry about tomorrow as tomorrow has enough worries of itself"... Hope I can learn to take worries and frustrations in my stride and treat it as god posing a challenge to me... "I CAN DO IT!!!" Cause alot of ppl said with the amt of effort i put it i can definately do it... but I lack self confidence (which is my death sentence)... then if i fall i sometimes cannot get up cause i feel very useless and have low self esteem...
I was telling Angelina that I am very happy and satisfied the way I am now... I dun need anyone to love me ( but I am sure they do)... Sometimes it is better to give than to receive... I used to be in phase where I wished that someone would love me (but i must love the person back) in that special way... but now I find as I get on with life there are sooo many things I want to do... Life wun wait for anyone so i won't wait... wat ever it is life still goes on and I am sure my heavenly father holds me in his hands... Hope for the coming year everyone will lead a meaningful year ahead!!!
Hope God will give me renewed confidence for the coming year... And hope i can bring hope and joy to the ppl around me!!! I want to love the unlovable!!!
P.S. Hope this year I can see more rainbows and be able to watch Disney on Ice with my darling Fiona!!!
11:20 PM
Saturday, December 25, 2004
Hello... today I had a very enjoyable Christmas Eve... I went to the theme park with Alina and her friends and had bbq with her family... The rides in the park were nice but most importantly I know these are all man made enjoyment... The food at the bbq was really sumptuous but all these without company would be meaningless... Who would like to go to the Theme Park to play alone... and who would like to hold a bbq that no one goes too... Thats why I am very happy that Alina's parents invited me to join in there celebration... and they are always very nice to me... It is something that I will not take for granted and will treasure till the last days of my life... And i thank God I met met Alina cause she is truly a kindred soul... very pure and genuine... And thank God for all the other important ppl in my life... but I dun feel like mentioning there names at this moment cause I am pretty sleepy
It is sooo true... the most valuable things we learn in life cannot be bought with money... My uncle's death further emphasized to me to treasure those around me and live the day to the fullest cause I never know wat will happen tomorrow...
And Bin Jie told me yesterday some quote... it is "The purpose in life is to live a life of purpose"
so hope god guides me in every day of my life... and to live each day at a time... step by step... and i shall grow in him...
1:10 AM
Friday, December 24, 2004
Hello!!! today is such a fun day... Its Christmas eve and I just came back from my friends bbq at Down town East... Ate alot alot of food... and I am feeling quite guilty for eating so much... Bbq food is very unhealthy ... I think for the next few days must try to eat more healthily... Furthermore i spent quite alot of time bbqing the food so I think the heat is not very good for my face... I hope I dun get pimples...
Anyways this morning I woke up at 9 am... took a bus to tampines to take a mrt to pasir ris then take a 21 to Down town east... I thought i would be late meeting Alina ( who was the one that invited me) but it seems her 2 other friends Amanda and Vanessa that she invited were later than me (which is surprising as I am usually the one that is late)... I got a bit lost trying to find the entrance to Costa Sands resort and Alina had to fetch me... Down town East is a really big place... The person in charge of this place must be some rich millionaire since Down town east has a amusement park, a water rides place, resorts, lots of shops blah blah blah... etc... By the time i met Alina we sat and talked for a while... Then after that we proceeded on to her rooom... B4 entering the resort area I had to pay one dollar charge and get a stamp on my arm so I could go in and out of the resort area as when I liked for the day... I was chopped on my hand... It is a clear chop and can only be detected by ultraviolet light...
Anyways I rested in Alina's room for a while... It is a one storey 4 bedded air conditioned room... It has a toilet, fridge and even a X box machine... Alina told me there is a place to rent X box games in Downtown east... but each game is 8 dollars each a day... really expensive... When I rested in her room I was watching a bit of "MVP Valentine" on the TV and her father came in... It is a good thing i bought something for Alina's parents as it is not nice to come empty handed
After that we went back outside the resort area to meet up with Alina's 2 other friends. We proceeded to eat Mc Donald's in which I ate a Chicken Mc Nugget meal... Actually I dun really fancy eating Mc Donalds but i guess it is ok to eat it once in a while... Actually I sort of pity Alina, cause it seems she is always picked on and made fun off by her friends... but it is a relief that she does not take it seriously... I guess maybe it is because sometimes she can be a bit gullible and easy to bully. Hope in the future she will not be taken advantaged by ppl who may not exactly have good intentions... ( Anyways if Alina... you happen to see this, please dun be insulted). Maybe there are times that I also make fun of her but i will be more sensitive to ppl's emotions...
Anyways i think McDonald's is sooo unhealthy... I was scraping all the salt off the fries and squeezing all the oil... The oil for one fry was enough to saturate a quarter of the serviette with oil... So unhealthy... But unhealthy things are usually nice to eat... The fries that I squeezed most of the oil was pretty hard to eat as it was really dry...
Anyways I really have alot more to write but I am feeling pretty sleepy... maybe I will continue tomorrow, maybe I won't!!! Muhaha... Merry Christmas!!!
11:36 PM
Sunday, December 19, 2004
Haiz... I dun know why... But it seems that alot of ppl are passing away in this season... first it was fiona's cousin, then fiona friend's father... Now it is my uncle (who just passed away)... Actually dun really know wat he died of in the first place...My mother gives me fragments of his illness which is liver problem, septicaemia, blood poisoning... I just know my mum told me that his legs became black and his whole body covered with sores and he died a pretty painful death... Its kinda shocking cause I was only informed yesterday and he died this morning... Although I am not very close to this uncle but we got talk every time we meet on festive seasons... He would always ask me about my nursing job and was especially fascinated when i told him about last office (which is washing and packing of body after death)... I suppose no they are doing a last office on him or I guess they have already done it... Hmmm... dun you think life is so unpredictable, so must treasure every moment...
10:32 AM
Saturday, December 18, 2004
Haiz... today I am a bit disapointed... When I was sparring in tkd suddenly I got kicked out of no where and twisted my ankle really badly... Never under estimate a broken ankle... at first i was able to walk slowly to the bus stop outside school but i was really unable to walk from my house bus stop back to my house as it takes quite a while... It is really this killing sharp pain... I have twisted my ankle many times but none as serious as this time... This time it is all swollen and red and i really cannot walk... I took 15 whole minutes to walk the short distance from the bus stop to one of the void deck... When the pain became unbearable I sat down at the bench in the void deck... The time was 11.30pm... and it was really very quiet... so i called my brother to help me back home... but he said he would take another 30 minutes... so while i was waiting there was this creepy looking guy that popped out from no where and he kept on looking at me and smile... I wanted to walk away but i could hardly move my leg... Then I dun know wat he was doing he kept on walking to and fro around me and when he was quite some distance I spotted him staring at me from afar... I was damn irritated and gave him that look but he kept on smiling at me and it was sort of a sick smile... It was really creepy... So i called my mother and luckily she was on her way home too... and she helped me back home... when she came that man suddenly disappeared... No wonder they always sick you are always the most vulnerable when you are sick or injured... Perhaps you may the guy's face is just like that but i trust my 6th sense that there was something wrong... good thing i went off early... Then when I came back home I started to cry... partly because of the pain in my leg and that i might not be able to walk tomorrow...
1:01 AM
Monday, December 13, 2004
Hello... I know you are must be grumbling why I never update for so long... Anyways I am back... haha... at least for the time being... Recently i feel a bit sianz to blog... Dunno how long it will be b4 I totally stop blogging... Anyways i am completely enjoying my holidays... Actually thought of working (actually not suppose to) but then how often do I have a holiday like this... Although never go overseas but I am still enjoying my holidays... Next time me and Fiona going Taiwan , Hua Lian to visit the Ah mei trible... haha... that would be fun... Then can go get more tai yang bing... Haha...
Anyways sort of planned this little steam boat thing among my nursing friends... If my other China friends were here we might have it at home but since most of them are in China we decided to go Marina Bay to eat the cheap steam boat... then maybe can look at the sea later on... haha.,... Its such a nice feeling... However if my malay friends come along we are going to change our route to do something else which is just as good... cause i dun think the steam boat is halal ...
Alina and me plan to go to tampines b4 the steamboat thingy to enquire about knitting classes at Spotlight... It is this huge store where they sell lots of things mostly for arts and crafts and they have classes for sewing, quilting, glass painting, D.I.Y handicrafts, home decoration, knitting... etc... Actually it is Alina idea to take knitting classes... i just think it is sort of interesting... Community centres dun have knitting classes ... Actually I have no idea wat I can use knitting for especially in this warm humid temperature of Singapore but it never hurt to learn something new... I was just thinking of knitting those cute little booties for babies to put on there cute little feet... or knit a shawl for Jenny (since I see her wearing shawls most of the time), or maybe knit something for my loved ones when they are going overseas... haha... But i find the "learning to make a quilt" course quite interesting... haha... I am sure most ppl have the sort of quilt that there grandmother made for them when they were young... it is just such a sweet nice feeling to receive quilts... I told my sis and she said it would be nice to do a course on dress making... ahaha...
Oh... and I joined as a volunteer in IMH... anyone interested can tell me... Haha... Ok gtg now!!!
6:34 PM
Tuesday, December 07, 2004
Hello... have been really tired from all the programmes of the previous week and I am resting at home right now... today did lots of house work such as washing of the clothes I wore for camp... I am currently watching this Korean Drama called, "Stairway to Heaven"... it is very interesting story but quite predictable... You feel like strangling and throwing your shoe at the villian of the story and really pity the main character... and the main male lead is soooo handsome... haha... My friend told me it is a nice show... not bad so far i think... However no matter how evil the villian is I always try to relate it to his/ her upbringing... and it seems he/she has a very sad childhood and are very pitiful with no motherly or fatherly love... So sometimes i am really angry at the parents cause they teach there children all the wrong things and are not good role models and this in turn has a impact on there children...
Today i am feeling much better... i am able to move about more freely... As for yesterday I could not even walk properly because of the results of my training camp... Since coming back from camp I have more muscles especially at my arms and legs... Haha...
Just now my brother and I just went out to buy durian, but I dun really feel like eating... it is very heaty and I already getting more and more pimples... haiz... so sad...
Anyways as for yesterday i spent most of the day sleeping and feeling groggy and muscle achy so I did not do much... Haha... this camp really take alot of energy out from me...
10:00 PM

Fun loving, childish, innocent and pureYou are a sprite of the Air: Fun loving and
childish your naive nature only enhances how
truly cute you are! You may come off as too
childish but only because your not burdened
with all the rules and regulations of
adulthood. You are carefree most of the time
spending your days playing tag or naming all
the clouds you see in the sky. You are
generally kind to everyone because you have
lots of love and happiness to share! Making
friends comes easy because they strive for the
innocence you possess but be careful, being as
nice and kind hearted as you are people will
try to manipulate your nature if they have not
already. Don't ever let anyone mold you to
their standards although I doubt anyone could.
.::=What type of Mythical Sprite are you?=::. -With Anime Pictures and detailed answers- brought to you by Quizilla
9:45 PM

You are a Siamese! You are fun-loving, playful,
energetic, talkative, and exotic. You are the
center of attention and you love every minute
of it.
What breed of cat are you? brought to you by Quizilla
9:38 PM

Mint Tea...You are Mint Tea!Naturally sweet you have a happy-go-lucky attitude.
The world is full of fun and wonder! Although
you can be naive at times and quite aloof to
your surroundings you know how to have good
clean fun! Most people see you as cute and very
gentle by nature and it is most likely true.
You have a great outlook on life and you try
not to let things get to you. Go you!
What type of Tea are you? {-With Anime Pictures!-} brought to you by Quizilla
9:23 PM
Thursday, December 02, 2004
Hello... really shagged today... Just went to my cell grp leader, Rachel's house as a get together... then we ate pizza... and sat and talked... watching Singapore idol... haha... I sort of support Taufik but on the other hand I am not that crazy off any of the 2... haha... I find alot of girls will support Slyvester... haha... so I dun really support him...
Recently I got this concept in my mind... I want to love the unlovable... sometimes I go to the nursery and i see all my class mates carrying and holding the baby and whispering sweet nothing and all rushing to change the cute little pampers and bottle feeding the baby.. i guess all because they are cute and innocent... i think the baby does not need any more attention than it already has... Everybody loves it... I also belive you should not always carry the baby and shower it with too much attention... cause it can get a bit spoiled... adequate attention is enough... most importantly is from the mother... and not from too many different ppl... Breast feeding is a good way to have mother baby contact and breast milk has lots of different nutrients... Today i tried out the formula... It actually does not taste too bad... haha... But on the other hand sometimes i see old patients with no one visiting them and all alone in the ward... i would rather show my care and concern to them... I want to get my point across but suddenly feel damn sleepy... my mother told me my eye bags are really bad... ok bye!!!
1:05 AM